Download PACA Phase II Flyer describing the Scope and Approaches of PACA II, 2016 – 2019Titre Contenu Document Link AFSI-Overview Attachments AFSI Overview_June 2021
AFSI-FLYER Attachments AFSI Flyer
The aflatoxin situation in Africa systematic Lit Rev Executive summary Attachments The_aflatoxin_situation_in_Africa_Systematic_Lit_Rev_Executive_summary
The aflatoxin situation in Africa Systematic Lit Rev Full report Attachments The_aflatoxin_situation_in_Africa_Systematic_Lit_Rev_Full_report
Uganda Aflatoxin Control MAY15 Attachments Uganda_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15
Tanzania Aflatoxin Control MAY15 Attachments Tanzania_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15
Senegal Aflatoxin Control MAY15 Attachments Senegal_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15
Nigeria Aflatoxin Control May14 Attachments Nigeria_Aflatoxin_Control_May14
Malawi Aflatoxin Control MAY15 Attachments Malawi_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15
Gambia Aflatoxin Control_MAY15 Attachments Gambia_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15
Aflatoxin communication framework group 3 Attachments Aflatoxin communication framework group 3
WHO the Global Burden of Diseases 2008 Attachments WHO the Global Burden of Diseases 2008
Veronesi crop diversification and child health in Tanzania Attachments Veronesi-Crop_diversification_and_child_health-in Tanzania
Valuing mortality risk reduction by OECD Attachments Valuing mortality risk reduction by OECD
The Mycotox Charter Attachments toxins-10-00149 Mycotox
Technological properties of maize tortillas produced by microwave nixtamalization with variable alkalinity Attachments Technological properties of maize tortillas produced by microwave nixtamalization with variable alkalinity
Tanzania agroecological zones Attachments Tanzania agroecological zones
Molecular Nutrition Food Research Attachments Smith_et_al-2017-Molecular_Nutrition___Food_Research
Small lactone mycotoxins Attachments Small lactone mycotoxins
Senegal Cost Benefit of Compliance Attachments Senegal_Cost-Benefit_of_Compliance
Estimations of worldwide prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection Attachments schweitzer et al HBV prevalence worldwide
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B · June 2017 Attachments Robert et al. 2017 Impact of mycotoxins in the intestines
Review of Mycotoxins Methods GIZ Attachments Review of Mycotoxins Methods GIZ
Review of aflatoxin exposure and associated human health effects 2016 Attachments Review of aflatoxin exposure and associated human health effects 2016
Revamping the groundnut value chain – Summary -English Attachments Revamping the groundnut value chain - Summary -English
Relationship between drought resistance and preharvest aflatoxin contamination Attachments Relationship between drough resistance and preharvest aflatoxin contamination
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 178/2010 Attachments regulation-178_02-03-2010_ec_nuts-kernels-vegetable-oil
Aflatoxins and sterigmatocystin contamination in cereals Attachments RDIMS_EAST-#579122-v1-Codex-CCCF-eWG-2017-Aflatoxins_and_sterigmatocystin_contamination_in_cereals-Invitation-v2-E
Rapid Method book comments Attachments Rapid Method Book_comments
Public health strategies for reducing aflatoxin exposures WHO Attachments Public health strategies for reducing aflatoxin exposures WHO
Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection in Nigeria Attachments Prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection in Nigeria_2c
Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination in Maize and Groundnut in Ghana Attachments Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination in Maize and Groundnut in Ghana
Post-harvest control of fumonisin and aflatoxin exposure in children Attachments Post-harvest control of fumonisin and aflatoxin exposure in children
Persistent global malnutrition Attachments Persistent-global malnutrition
PACA 10 facts Attachments PACA_10facts_v2
Overview of the activities of the EU on mycotoxin in food and feed Attachments Overview of the activities of the EU on mycotxoins in food and feed
Outbreak of aflatoxin in Kenya in 2004 Attachments Outbreak of aflaticosisis in Kenya in 2004
Occurrence of aflatoxins and its management in Tanzania Attachments Occurrence_of_aflatoxins_and_its_management_in_Tanzania
NGFA Compliance Guide: FDA Regulatory Guidance for Mycotoxins 8-2011 Attachments NGFAComplianceGuide-FDARegulatoryGuidanceforMycotoxins8-2011
New EU Aflatoxin Levels and Sampling Plan Brussels USEU_EU-27_3-9-2010 Attachments New EU Aflatoxin Levels and Sampling Plan_Brussels USEU_EU-27_3-9-2010
Mycotxoins in Maize from Chile Attachments Mycotxoins in Maize from Chile
A comprehensive overview on methods for aflatoxin and other mycotoxins analysis Attachments Mycotoxins Martin1
Mycotoxins in food from Chile Attachments Mycotoxins in food from Chile
Mycotoxins in food and feed from Africa Attachments Mycotoxins in food and feed from Africa
Mycotoxins and oxidative stress Attachments Mycotoxins and oxidative stress
Mycotoxin Analytics Rapid Methods PACA 23 Feb 2018 Attachments Mycotoxin_Analytics_Rapid_Methods-PACA_23Feb2018
Mycotoxin exposure and health Yun Attachments Mycotoxin exposure and health Yun
Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA_Feb16 Attachments Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA_Feb16
Mycotoxin Project Summary Attachments Mycotox Project Summary
Mycotoxin Charter manuscript by Amare Attachments Mycotox Charter manuscript by Amare
Molecular technologies to safegiuard food safety from aflatoxins Attachments Molecular technologies to safegiuard food safety from aflatoxins
Mycotoxin contamination of foods in Southern Africa Attachments Misihairabgwi et al. 2017_Accepted CRFSN_10 year REVIEW of SA foods
Measuring food security using household expenditure surveys Attachments Measuring food security using household expenditure surveys
Maximum regulatory limits for aflatoxins and other mycotoxins Attachments Maximum regulatory limits for aflatoxins and other mycotoxins
Managing aflatoxin in smallholder groundnut production in Southern Africa Attachments Matumba et al 2018
Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Volume Attachments Maize V2 New title information
Maize production and consumption globally Attachments Maize production and consumption globally
Maize importance globally Attachments Maize importance globaly
Maize disease Attachments MAIZE DISEASES PDF
Maize book chapter on aflatoxins Attachments Maize book chapter on aflatoxins
Aflatoxin risk management in commercial groundnut products in Malawi Attachments Magamba et al_2c 2017 and Matumba
Liver cancer burden in Africa 2012 Attachments Liver cancer burden in Africa 2012
Lancet 310 diseases 2015 Attachments Lancet 310 diseases 2015
Knowledge-attitude-aflatoxin in Malawi Attachments Knowledge-attitude-aflatoxin in Malawi
JECFA Evaluation of aflatoxins in 2017 Attachments JECFA Evaluation of aflatoxins in 2017
JECFA Evaluation of aflatoxins in 2017 highlighted Attachments JECFA Evaluation of aflatoxins in 2017 highlighted
Influence of intensification on foood security Attachments Influence of intensification on foood security
IFPRI Kenya aflatoxin study design 2013 Attachments IFPRI Kenya aflatoxin study design 2013
IARC Monograph on aflatoxins and related substances Attachments IARC Monograph on aflatoxins and related substances
Hungry Bellies and Silent Killers by Charity Mutegi Attachments Hungry Bellies and Silent Killers by Charity Mutegi
Human aflatoxin exposure in Kenya 2007 a cross sectional study Attachments Human aflatoxin exposure in Kenya 2007 a cross sectional study
Grain and Feed Annual Santiago Chile 3-28-2013 Attachments Grain and Feed Annual_Santiago_Chile_3-28-2013
Global liver cancer incidence in 2012 Attachments Global liver cancer incidence in 2012
Global COD method 2000 – 2015 Attachments Global COD_method_2000_2015
Global causes of death for 249 diseases Attachments Global causes of death for 249 diseases
Global burden of liver cancer 2017 Attachments Global burden of liver cancer 2017
Global budge of aflatoxin related liver cancer Attachments Global budgen of aflatoxin related liver cancer
Genetic Variability of Aspergillus flavus in Kneya Okoth Attachments Genetic Variability of Aspergillus flavus in Kneya Okoth
Five-Year Communication Strategy for an Aflatoxin Safe East African Community Attachments G5 - Five-Year Communication Strategy for an Aflatoxin Safe East African Community
Aflatoxin Hepatitis A _ B Attachments G1 - Aflatoxin- Hepatitis A _ B (1)
Fusarium infections and trchothecens Attachments Fusarium infections and trchothecens
Fumonisins and aflatxoins impair growth in Tanzania Attachments Fumonisins and aflatxoins impair growth in Tanzania
Food Production and Consumptionin SSA Attachments Food Production and Consumptionin SSA
International Journal of Cancer (Global Cancer statistics) Globocan in 2012 Attachments Ferlay_et_al-2015-International_Journal_of_Cancer (Global Cancer statistics) Globocan in 2012
Feed Africa: Strategy for Agricultural Transformation in Africa 2016-2025 Attachments Feed_Africa-_Strategy_for_Agricultural_Transformation_in_Africa_2016-2025
FAO Futire of food and agriculture 2017 Attachments FAO Futire of food and agriculture 2017
Expert committee on food additives Attachments EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES (1)
Evaluation of contaminants Attachments Evaluation of contaminants
EU regulation for sampling for aflatoxins Attachments EU regulation for sampling for aflatoxins
EU regulation for aflatoxins 2006 Attachments EU regulation for aflatoxins 2006
Eu regulation for aflatoxins 2010 Attachments Eu regulatation for aflatoxins 2010
Ensuring Food Safety by FAO Attachments Ensuring Food Safety by FAO
Effect of different cooking methods on aflatoxin fate in peanut products in Senegal Attachments effect of different cooking methods on aflatoxin fate in peanut products in Senegal
EDN 87 Aflatoxin Attachments edn87 aflatoxin
Economic Surplus Evaluation of Aflatoxin-Reducing Res-Senegal Confectionary G Sector Attachments Economic Surplus Evaluation of Aflatoxin-Reducing Res-Senegal Confectionary G Sector
Economic Anthropology 2017 4_2c 200 Attachments Economic Anthropology 2017 4_2c 200
EAC standards and tcehnical paper on standards Attachments EAC standards and tcehnical paper on standards
DON contamination by bacteria Attachments DON contamination by bacteria
Dissections of mechanisms of resistance in aspergillus flavus Attachments Dissections of mechanisms of resitance in aspergiluss flavus
Developments in mycotoxin analysis Attachments Developments in mycotoxin analysis
Degradation of aflatoxins in mushrooms Attachments Degradation of aflatoxins in mushrooms
An Overview on Mycotoxin Contamination of Foods in Africa Attachments Darwish et al._2c 2014. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 76_2c 789-797-occurrence data
Dampness Spain Mold Child development, Casas IJHEH 2013 Attachments Dampness Spain Mold Child development, Casas IJHEH 2013 copy2
Dampness Germany Mold Child behavior, Casas IJHEH 2013 Attachments Dampness Germany Mold Child behavior, Casas IJHEH 2013 copy2
CTA PACA Aflatoxin final for publication Attachments CTA_PACA_Aflatoxin_Final_for publlication
CPA in foods Attachments CPA in foods
Co-occrrence of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins Attachments Co-occrrence of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins
Codex general standard of contaminants in foods Attachments Codex general standard of contaminants in foods
CN drought response Attachments CN drought response
Chapter-aflatoxin control in maize v 16 01 2017 Attachments Chapter-aflatoxin control in maize v 16 01 2017
Chapter-aflatoxin control in maize 15 01 2017-clean Attachments Chapter-aflatoxin control in maize 15 01 2017-clean
cELISA for aflatoxin biomarkers in humans in MALAWI Attachments cELISA for aflatoxin biomarkers in humans in MALAWI
Brochure WMF10 Attachments brochure WMF10
BMGF Mycotoxin Grants November 2016 Attachments BMGF Mycotoxin Grants November 2016
A pilot study to evaluate aflatoxin exposure in a rural Ugandan population Attachments Asiki et al_a pilot study to evaluate_Uganda_TMIH2014
Artigo Sacama Nixtamalization Process and Nutritional Value of Maize Attachments Artigo Sacama Nixtamalization Process and Nutritional Value of Maize
Are aflatoxin limits protective Attachments Are aflatoxin limits protective
Aflatoxin exposure in six African countries Yun Attachments Aflatxoin association with fumonisins in Ethiopia
Afltoxin biomarker in Malawi Attachments Afltoxin biomarker in Malawi
Aflatxoin association with fumonisins in Ethiopia Attachments Aflatxoin association with fumonisins in Ethiopia
Aflatoxins in sugarcane grass Attachments Aflatoxins in sugarcane grass
Aflatoxins in peanut oil Attachments Aflatoxins in milk
Aflatoxins in milk Attachments Aflatoxins in milk
Aflatoxins impacts in Africa Worl Bank Attachments Aflatoxins impacts in Africa Worl Bank
Aflatoxins degradation Attachments Aflatoxins degradation
Aflatoxins and aflatoxicosis Attachments Aflatoxins and aflatoxicosis
Aflatoxin Paper WEB barrier and catalytic Attachments AflatoxinPaperWEB barrier and catalytic
Aflatoxin and viral hepatitis exposures in Guatema Attachments Aflatoxin_and_viral_hepatitis_exposures_in_Guatema
Aflatoxin standards for food EAC paper Attachments Aflatoxin standards for food EAC paper
Aflatoxin reduction by mushrooms Attachments Aflatoxin reduction by mushrooms
Aflatoxin lit synthesis and risk mapping Attachments Aflatoxin lit synthesis and risk mapping
Aflatoxin induced HCC in developing countries Attachments Aflatoxin induced HCC in developing countries
Aflatoxin free transgenic maize using host induced gene silencing_Thakare 2017 Attachments Aflatoxin free transgenic maize using host induced gene silencing_Thakare 2017
Aflatoxin effect on hypothalamic neuropeptides, Trebak NeuroToxicity 2015 Attachments Aflatoxin effect on hypothalamic neuropeptides, Trebak NeuroToxicity 2015
Aflatoxin detection and quantification methods Attachments Aflatoxin detection and quantification methods
Aflatoxin Contamination of Commercial Maize Products during an Ou Attachments Aflatoxin Contamination of Commercial Maize Products during an Ou
Aflatoxin B1 effects on neurons and brain, prelim bibliography Gordon 2017 Attachments Aflatoxin B1 effects on neurons and brain, prelim bibliography Gordon 2017
Aflatoxin analysis at the beginning of the twenty-first century Attachments Aflatoxin analysis at the beginning of the twenty-first century
A systematic approach to controlling aflatoxins preharvest Attachments A systematic approach to controling aflatoxins preharvest
A Sustainable Path Toward Reducing World Hunger Attachments A Sustainable Path Toward Reducing World Hunger
A study of mycotoxins in spices in SA Attachments A study of mycotoxins in spices in SA
Rural transformation, cereals and youth in Africa Attachments Rural transformation, cereals and youth in Africa
Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops Attachments Methods for Detection of Aflatoxins in Agricultural Food Crops
Biosensors and multiple mycotoxin analysis food control Attachments 2b - Biosensors and multiple mycotoxin analysis_Food_control
Multiple mytotoxin analysis Attachments 2a - multiple mytotoxin analysis
Cheap and easy to use aflatoxin B1 detection TNO DRAFT Attachments 2 - Cheap and easy to use aflatoxin B1 detection TNO DRAFT
Epidemiology Hepatocellular Attachments 02_132_v12n2_2013_EpidemiologyHepatocellular
PACA Newsletter Volume 5 April-June 2018 Attachments PACA_Newsletter_Volume_5_April-June_2018
PACA News Volume 5 July September 2018 Attachments PACA_News_Volume_5_July_September_2018
PACA Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 1 April-June 2018. Attachments PACA Newsletter Volume 5 Issue 1 April-June 2018.
PACA Newsletter Volume 5 April-June 2018. Attachments PACA Newsletter Volume 5 April-June 2018.
PACA News Volume 5_July – September_2018 Attachments PACA News Volume 5_July - September_2018
PACA News Volume 4 Oct-Dec 2017-1 Attachments PACA News Volume 4 Oct-Dec 2017-1
PACA July-Sept Newsletter Low Res Attachments PACA July-Sept newsletter_Low Res
STDF Results Booklet EN Attachments STDF_Results_Booklet_EN
PACA Marketing_2015_sep30 Attachments PACAMarketing_2015_sep30
PACA Brochure Attachments PACA_Brochure_lettersize_eng_2015
PACA_aflatoxin impacts paper Attachments PACA_aflatoxin impacts paper
PACA Strategy 2013-2022- FINAL A4-1 Attachments PACA Strategy 2013-2022- FINAL A4-1
PACA Policy Brief Stunting Attachments PACA Policy Brief Stunting
PACA Phase I Results and Impacts – Infographic_Jan 2017 Attachments PACA Phase I Results and Impacts - Infographic_Jan 2017
PACA brochure 2016_Strategy Overview-1 Attachments PACA brochure 2016_Strategy Overview-1
PACA and Malabo declaration_apr7 2016 Attachments PACA and Malabo declaration_apr7 2016
Aflatoxin Impacts Paper Attachments Aflatoxin Impacts Paper
10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_PRESS Attachments 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_PRESS
10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_Online_010 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_Online_0 Attachments 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_Online_0
10 Aflatoxin Facts – Banner 2_Online_0 Attachments 10 Aflatoxin Facts - Banner 2_Online_0
PACA – AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014 Attachments PACA - AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014
AfricaAIMS and Knowledge Repository Concept Note – 20Feb2017 Attachments AfricaAIMS and Knowledge Repository Concept Note - 20Feb2017
PACA Steering Committee Member List Attachments d PACA Steering Committee Member List
PACA and Malabo declaration_apr7 2016 Attachments c PACA and Malabo declaration_apr7 2016
PACA PPM Report Final 09122014 Attachments b PACA PPM_Report Final 09122014
Communique for the first PACA PPM – AUC Headquarters Attachments a Communique for the first PACA PPM - AUC Headquarters
Communiqué on the West Africa Workshop on the Aflatoxin Challenge Attachments c Communiqué on the West Africa Workshop on the Aflatoxin Challenge
ECOWAS Scoping Study Report Attachments b ECOWAS Scoping Study Report
Draft Action Plan ECOWASv11Apr14-final complete Attachments a Draft Action Plan ECOWASv11Apr14-final complete
UG – Communique DSIP Review Uganda Attachments zbb UG - Communique_DSIP Review Uganda
TZ – Towards a Business Meeting revised Attachments z TZ - Towards a Business Meeting revised
TZ – Communique TAFSIP Review Tanzania Final Submitted v114092015 Attachments y TZ - Communique_TAFSIP Review Tanzania Final Submitted v114092015
TZ Addendum to TAFSIP 21 05_with cover page Attachments x TZ Addendum to TAFSIP 21 05_with cover page
TZ 3-year Aflatoxin action plan for Tanzania latest Attachments wb TZ 3-year Aflatoxin action plan for Tanzania latest TZ Summary of Tanzania Aflatoxin Control Action Plan Attachments wa TZ Summary of Tanzania Aflatoxin Control Action Plan
TZ Supplemental report 2 March 2016 Attachments w TZ Supplemental report 2 March 2016
SN – C-SAAP Rapport PACA _version_finale16-09-2015 Attachments v SN - C-SAAP Rapport PACA _version_finale16-09-2015
SN – Communiqué – Senegal Validation Attachments u SN - Communiqué - Senegal Validation
SN – communique Senegal draft 12 August 2014 2nd draft Attachments t SN - communique Senegal draft 12 August 2014 2nd draft
NI – Nigeria Roundtable Discussions-Communique Attachments s NI - Nigeria Roundtable Discussions-Communique
MW – Report of the Malawi Joint Planning and Implementation Program 20 04 2015 Attachments r MW - Report of the Malawi Joint Planning and Implementation Program 20 04 2015 - FINAL
MW – Malawi Rooundtable Discussion Report_ Attachments q MW - Malawi Rooundtable Discussion Report_
PACA – Progress Report for East and Southern Africa August 2016 final Attachments PACA - Progress Report for East and Southern Africa August 2016 final
GM – communique Gambia draft 15 August 2014 Attachments o GM - communique Gambia draft 15 August 2014
PACA – AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014 Attachments j PACA - AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014
PACA – Pilot Country Steering Committee Attachments h PACA - Pilot Country Steering Committee
PACA – ATWG TORs– final revised Attachments g PACA - ATWG TORs-- final revised
PACA – AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014 Attachments f PACA - AfricaAIMS Methodology 2014
PACA – Pilot Country Selection Report Attachments e PACA - Pilot Country Selection Report
PACA – Progress Report for East and Southern Africa March 2016 Attachments c PACA - Progress Report for East and Southern Africa March 2016
PACA – AfricaAIMS and C-SAAP Results Update Attachments b PACA - AfricaAIMS and C-SAAP Results Update
PACA Country Plan Approach-with ToC Attachments a PACA Country Plan Approach-with ToC
Aflatoxin External Landscape Assessment Overview vF Attachments 8_Aflatoxin External Landscape Assessment Overview_vF
Aflatoxin External Landscape Database vF Attachments 7_Aflatoxin External Landscape Database_vF
PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Appendix – Additional Documents vF Attachments 6_PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement_Appendix - Additional Documents_vF
PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Supporting Evidence for Recommendations vF Attachments 5_PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement_Supporting Evidence for Recommendations_vF
PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Recommendations vF Attachments 4_PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement_Recommendations_vF
PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Executive Summary vF Attachments 2_PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement_Executive Summary_vF
PACA Presentation ASM May 2015 Attachments d PACA Presentation ASM May 2015
PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction Attachments c PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction
PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Executive Summary_vF Attachments b PACA Secretariat Strategic Plan Refinement Executive Summary_vF
PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction Attachments b PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction
PACA Strategy 2013-2022- FINAL Attachments a PACA Strategy 2013-2022- FINAL
Mycotoxin Analytics Rapid Methods-PACA 23Feb2018 Attachments Mycotoxin_Analytics_Rapid_Methods-PACA_23Feb2018
Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA_Feb16 Attachments Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA_Feb16
Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA Attachments COVER_Mycotoxin Analytics-PACA
PACA Newsletter Nov-Dec 2015 Attachments i PACA Newsletter Nov-Dec 2015
PACA Newsletter — Aug.-Sep. 2015 Attachments h PACA Newsletter -- Aug.-Sep. 2015
PACA Newsletter — May 2015 Attachments g PACA Newsletter -- May 2015
PACA Newsletter– February 2015 Attachments f PACA Newsletter-- February 2015
PACA Policy Brief Stunting Attachments e PACA Policy Brief Stunting
PACA Policy Brief 10 Facts Attachments d PACA Policy Brief 10 Facts
PACA Brochure 2016_A4 Attachments a PACA brochure 2016_A4
The aflatoxin situation in Africa Systematic literature review Full report Attachments Download- The_aflatoxin_situation_in_Africa_Systematic_literature_review_Full_report
The aflatoxin situation in Africa Systematic literature review Executive summary Attachments Download - The_aflatoxin_situation_in_Africa_Systematic_literature_review_Executive_summary
Gambia Aflatoxin Control policy brief Gambia_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15 Malawi Aflatoxin Control policy brief Malawi_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15 Nigeria Aflatoxin Control policy brief Nigeria_Aflatoxin_Control_May14 Senegal Aflatoxin Control policy brief Senegal_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15 Tanzania Aflatoxin Control policy brief Tanzania_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15 Uganda Aflatoxin Control policy brief Uganda_Aflatoxin_Control_MAY15 10 Aflatoxin Facts – Banner 1_PRESS 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_PRESS Attachments 10 Aflatoxin Facts - Banner 1_PRESS 10 Aflatoxin Facts 10 Aflatoxin Facts - Banner 2_Online_0 10 Aflatoxin Facts - Banner 1_PRESS 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_Online_0 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_PRESS 10 Aflatoxin Facts_A4_PRESS PACA Brochure – Strategy Overview PACA Brochure – Strategy Overview Attachments PACA brochure 2016_Strategy Overview PACA brochure 2016_Strategy Overview PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction Attachments PACA Secretariat Mid-Term Strategic Direction_0(2) PACA Strategy 2013 – 2022 PACA Strategy 2013-2022- FINAL formatted for A4 PACA Phase II Flyer describing the Scope and Approaches of PACA II, 2016 – 2019 PACA Phase II Flyer describing the Scope and Approaches of PACA II, 2016 – 2019 Attachments PACA Phase2 _FR_A4_0_1